Project Description

My Vamps represent the personal One on One that happens on both sides..from the victim and the loved ones who are left with only prayers and broken hearts…..Walk with Our are the victims, hearts broken;future shattered….she wears ”Forget-Me_Not” flowers in her hair…as a constant reminder that We can never forget that precious space that they leave with Us… The Stars are surrounded in chaos and the “unknown”.. The *Sisters are all of Us , It is Our Tears and sorrows as We speak Our Prayers of Hope for Their Return… Governments fear artists because we can express what cannot be voiced, We can Reach People and Hopefully We can Change the legislature so that We can Stop this From Happening to any more of Our Sisters. To All of My Sacred SiStars and Brothers, We are gonna make this world stand up and take notice, we will make it Better,Together…

by Catharine Volpe